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My Top 3 Favorite Movies with Cheesy Titles

Goldie and I love to spend Sunday afternoons watching movies, but we agree that the silver screen could use a little more cheddar. Just for fun, we decided to dial up the curd factor on a few of our favorites!


Five unlikely cheese curds come together to celebrate their friend’s wedding and get royally cheesed at each other in the process? A must-see!

Captain Americurd

Fall’s biggest blockbuster, a small piece of squeaky cheddar is transformed into a courageous cheese curd and saves the world from despair. Based on a true story? Sounds like it!

The Cheese Curd Diaries

Miracles happen once in a while, and they often involve cheese curds. A curd next door discovers she’s actually a princess, and the story will make your heart melt like Wisconsin cheddar. 

Got any cheesy movie titles of your own? Share them on Instagram or Twitter and tag @curdisthecurd.